Empowering Lives: #FMC24 Speaker Dr. Erica Gamble's Journey from HR Professional to Entrepreneurial Wig Expert

Empowering Lives: #FMC24 Speaker Dr. Erica Gamble's Journey from HR Professional to Entrepreneurial Wig Expert

In the dynamic world of corporate America, not everyone takes a conventional path. Dr. Erica Gamble, a seasoned Human Resources Professional, defied the norm and embarked on a multifaceted journey that spans over two decades. Beyond her corporate endeavors, Dr. Gamble is a dedicated professor, a passionate dissertation coach, and a remarkable entrepreneur. Let's delve into the inspiring story of Dr. Erica Gamble and explore how she created her cozy lifestyle.

The Academic Odyssey:

Dr. Gamble's educational journey is a testament to her commitment to continuous learning. Starting with an Associate's degree in Small Business Management, she pursued her Bachelor's Degree in Business Management with a concentration in Human Resource Management. Driven by her thirst for knowledge, she earned an MBA and a Doctorate Degree in Organizational Behavior and Management. Not stopping there, she added another feather to her academic cap with an earned Doctorate of Science Degree (D.SC) specializing in Trichology.

A Multifaceted Professional Haven:

Beyond the corporate cubicles, Dr. Gamble's professional haven is a cozy blend of academia and mentorship. Her roles as a college professor for over 23 years and a Dissertation Coach for Ph.D. students create a nurturing atmosphere for intellectual growth and personal development.

Entrepreneurship and Empowerment:

In 2015, Dr. Gamble ventured into entrepreneurship, establishing The Wig Dr. Wig Boutique and Mastectomy Center. This unique business caters to individuals experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy, alopecia, and other autoimmune disorders. The Wig Dr. specializes in providing high-quality wigs and hairpieces for men, women, and children, offering not just a product but a solution to regain confidence.

Expanding Horizons:

The Wig Dr. has grown significantly since its inception, with two locations in Metro Atlanta. In October 2021, Dr. Gamble expanded the business by introducing Trichology services, demonstrating a commitment to holistic care for clients. The facilities are now accredited, offering post-mastectomy products, prostheses, and compression items, further positioning The Wig Dr. as a comprehensive resource for those in need.

Beyond Business:

Dr. Gamble's passion for empowering lives extends beyond the boardroom. As a certified Life Coach and a Registered Yoga Teacher, she embodies a holistic approach to well-being. Her dedication to helping others is evident not only in her business ventures but also in her commitment to personal development.

A Life Well-Cocooned:

Outside the whirlwind of business and academia, Dr. Gamble finds comfort in cocooning herself in the joys of travel with her spouse and the warmth of books. Her cozy retreats into the world and literature showcase a well-rounded individual who values the comforting balance between adventure and knowledge.

#FMC24 Speaker: Dr. Erica Gamble

Dr. Erica Gamble's journey is a testament to the power of diversification and resilience. From corporate America to academia and entrepreneurship, she has seamlessly blended her skills, education, and passion to create a meaningful impact on the lives of others. The Wig Dr. stands as a business and a beacon of hope and empowerment for those facing challenges. Dr. Gamble's story inspires us to embrace our multifaceted nature and use our diverse skills to make a difference in the world.

Meet Dr. Erica Gamble and the other #FMC24 speakers at our 8th annual women’s investor-readiness conference on February 16-17, 2024 in Miami, FL! 

Tickets are on sale now! 

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