Meet Dr. Mary L. Olodun, N.D. | BTL Board of Directors ‘24

Meet Dr. Mary L. Olodun, N.D. | BTL Board of Directors ‘24

From Soldier to Healer: The Inspiring Journey of Dr. Mary L. Olodun, N.D

Dr. Mary L. Olodun, N.D. - a Chicago native, Christian, wife, mother, author, patriot, and above all, a warrior for holistic wellness. With over 30 years of military service, and rising to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, Dr. Mary's journey is nothing short of remarkable. Her dedication to serving her country is matched only by her passion for healing and empowering others.

A Life of Service and Dedication

After retiring as a disabled Veteran, Dr. Mary embarked on a new mission - to pursue her calling in holistic healthcare. Armed with her nursing degree and fueled by a desire to make a difference, she earned her Doctor of Naturopathy in 2013 from Trinity College of Natural Health. Since then, she has accumulated an impressive array of certifications, from Licensed Holistic Practitioner to Certified Homeopathic Practitioner, showcasing her commitment to excellence in her field.

Pursuing a Calling in Holistic Healthcare

However, Dr. Mary's impact extends far beyond her practice. As the local Holistic Chamber of Commerce President for the Hilton Head-Bluffton Chapter, a board advisor for Piedmont Hemp Company, and an appointed member of Life University's Board of Trustees, she is a driving force for positive change in her community and beyond.

At the heart of it all is Trilera Holistic Care, LLC - Dr. Mary's brainchild and a testament to her unwavering dedication to "helping people to heal." Through her company's motto, she embodies the spirit of compassion and empathy, guiding countless individuals on their journey to wellness.

Sharing Wisdom Through Words

But perhaps what sets Dr. Mary apart is her ability to not only through her practice but also through her words. As the author of "My Little Green Book," she shares her profound wellness knowledge with the world, inspiring others to embrace holistic principles and find freedom in their health.

From soldier to healer, Dr. Mary L. Olodun, N.D. is a true embodiment of resilience, compassion, and the power of holistic wellness. Her journey is a testament to the transformative power of love and healing, reminding us all that with faith and determination, anything is possible.

Connect with Dr. Mary L. Olodun, N.D. during our monthly virtual Cozy Summits!

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