Reasons Why I Want To Do Better This Year
2019 is full of opportunities, but sometimes too much thinking can get in the way. Changing your life for the better is about picking a destination and taking one step at a time to get there. Getting serious about making improvements is a great start, and taking action is the next important step.
Here are a few reasons to do better this year.
1 To become more grateful. Express gratitude for what you have. When you stop to remember what you have instead of worrying about what you may not be getting, it changes your perspective for the better.
2 Be more prepared. Start your day the night before. The most successful people I know end their workday by making a list of what they have to do the following day or two ahead. This allows the subconscious to work on things while you sleep.
3 Gotta drop the attitude. If you think the world owes you a living, you might want to reevaluate your position. It is quite possible that, by feeling entitled, you are pushing away things and people you might like. This will aid your personal development!
4. Push away the negativity. You have to watch out for negative thinking. Sometimes we get into negative feedback loops and don’t even know it. If thoughts of being helpless and hopeless continue to enter your mind, you might just need to take a nap, some self care, or perhaps talk with someone who can help.
5. Setting up and stick to a routine. We are creatures of habit; and good habits, such as getting regular exercise, make us feel better. Maintaining good habits also helps us feel that we have some control over our lives. Just do it.
6. You can discover who you really have potential to be, and learn to honor yourself. We all fake it from time to time and once in a while, this can be a good thing, but never compromise your personal values and always strive to be your best self.
Most importantly we should all be doing better this year by taking action! Goals are great to have, but what good are they if you don’t necessarily work toward them? One of my personal main reasons to improve is to make power connections this year. You can find people who just get it by opening yourself to opportunity. If you’re ready to grow come network, learn about valuable business development, and find your own power connections at our Flourish Media Conference this February (22-23). You can still snag your ticket here!