What if you had a brand so recognizable a customer could pick you out of a crowd?
What does Mickey Mouse have in common with Coca-Cola? What does Chanel have in common with McDondalds?
Brand recognition. That’s what!
Brand recognition is the ability of a consumer to recognize one brand over all of the others in their industry. Basically, can your ideal customers and clients pick you out of a crowd?
Branding done right, means that people know who you are, what you do, and what your company is all about BEFORE they ever buy anything from you.
One thing people fail to neglect is that the value of your company is directly related to your brand recognition.
The more recognizable you are, the more money you will make. Plain and simple.
We use this strategy when we work with our high-level clients - and now we want to make the same strategies available to you!!!
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