Attention vs Presence, The Boss Babe That Made Digital Anthropology A Thing
One of the most important things I can do as a writer is people watch 👀. It’s noticing the small things that give a story weight. It’s the same special nuances that give your business presence.
Alex Wolf is positioning herself as a tech philosopher, leading the charge with her #blackgirlmagic to build language around this concept. You can find her message being shared in ADWEEK, Fast Company, and Forbes magazine.
During her live interview at Summit21, Alex points out a brutal fact about digital marketing. “The market isn’t design for pure talent. It’s built to give immediate attention to the prettiest package,” she says.
Businesswomen have to decide what kind of brands we want to build. We have to decide if we want to be the latest sensation or the industry standard. Alex used Chanel as an example reminding all who would listen, “we all know household names like Chanel but remember that brand had decades to build their reputation.” Alex emphasized our unrealistic goal to “go viral.”
It can be done but it won’t last was the basic point. As you are building your business, burning the midnight oil Alex asked for each person listening to think of her “3am self” a concept further expressed in her recent book Resonate.
The story you tell about your brand starts with that pivotal decision. What I’ve seen today is a community of young minds searching for ways to build legacy and make a lasting impact through business. We here at Behind The Leaf are in it for the all about you?
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