How to Receive Government Funding for Small Businesses

How to Receive Government Funding for Small Businesses

We are now in 2021, and although we have come far in the progression of equality for women and minority groups, we’re still aiming for a country that does better. After the inauguration of Kamala Harris elected as the highest woman in power, we are filled with optimism for a country that reigns in gender-equality and diversity. These dreams are all possible, but to bring them into fruition we must take advantage of the resources that are given to us. As women entrepreneurs, we know the hustle and grind you have to do to receive funding for your start-up, but what if we told you that there’s government resources that can help you take the weight off your back? If you identify yourself as a women and/or minority you are eligible to receive funding for your business. Isn’t that great to hear? Free money! However, there’s some tasks you must complete before you qualify. But don’t worry, Flourish Media has got you covered. 

We have released a Government Contract Guide, which gives you a little 101 on how to tap into these resources. In this guide we talk about the following topics: terminology you need to know, requirements you need to meet, and certifications you may need to have. We even include a sample RFP that you can complete! Our goal is to equip you with the right information so you can confidently access these resources. So make sure to click on the link to get started!

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