Finding Happiness in Remote Work

Finding Happiness in Remote Work


COVID-19 disrupted the way we interact, work, and live our daily routines. Because of the global outbreak, many were encouraged to follow social distancing as a promulgated effort to reduce contact with other people and therefore contain the virus. Because of this reason, many companies saw a silver lining from remote work and forced all operations to make the great shift to telecommuting.

This concept of work has been offering numerous advantages to us since 2006 and the number of people who are under its umbrella has significantly risen by 159% in 2017, (Global Workplace Analytics, 2021). Employees have various reasons why this kind of work setup works best for them and why 99% of people would rather choose to work from home for the rest of their lives (Buffer, 2021). Thanks to the fast advancements in technology which made home office job functions easier and more manageable.

The biggest challenge, according to Buffer (2021), that employees face performing their roles at home is unplugging or detaching after work. Twenty-two percent mentioned that they do not simply log off and even work for extended hours just because there is a lot to do. Nineteen percent experience a feeling of loneliness while 17% struggle to communicate from a distance despite the provision of multiple chat rooms and teleconferencing apps. These results, however, contradict the findings of a FlexJobs survey (2020) where employees reported a workforce happiness index of 75 out of a hundred in comparison to 71 in the physical office setting. Indeed, happiness can be within reach even if 2020 came as tough and grueling.

The answer to breaking free from all these predicaments is to take things lightly. Perspective is everything. If we keep on focusing on all the wrong angles, we will never get to see the beauty present in the big picture. Here are a few things you might have overlooked in your journey to finding a sense of happiness and fulfillment working in the virtual setting:

  1. Be grateful for the job you have because others may have lost theirs in the time of the pandemic. Many were greatly affected by mass layoffs since companies made cost-saving measures to run and stay afloat. For the many questions, requests, and demands you have, you must cling to your patience and think it will get better soon because it really will. 

  2. Find your peace at home. One of the many advantages of working from home is being safe in it. While you are at it, you can find the fun by redesigning your home office and enjoy personalized lunch and breaks in between shifts. In your cramming time, allow a few minutes for meditation. 

  3. Enjoy the task leniency. Work and deadlines have been tagged leniently. This is brought about by companies’ moral obligation to understand employees during times of surmountable threat to mental and physical health. It is true when you feel like your company has loosened up with a few rules but they do not always mean you should take it to your advantage. What they want you to do is to deliver work with productivity while having enough time to still stop and smell the flowers.

  4. Appreciate being spared from politicking. Gossiping and spreading rumors are put at a halt since everyone is distant from each other. In other words, you can work at ease knowing that no issues are stirring within the office air. 

  5. Focus on the best parts. The list of remote work advantages is long. If it helps to enumerate them, do so on your own. A moment of reflection can go a long way to keep you motivated and inspired. Think of how remote work is freeing you from commuting and traveling to work, how it makes you support a cause unknowingly by reducing carbon footprints, how it gives you more time for yourself and those who matter. These are small things that are big in effect and you may never get to have these opportunities in the physical workplace.

  6. See this as your first step towards lifelong learning. Your transition to the digital office forced you to learn and develop your technical and communication skills and you can even add more to improve yourself. Participate in distance learning courses and engage in webinars and other virtual events. All it takes to learn something new is to say yes when a chance presents itself.

  7. Understand the processes because what you only know by now might just be the tip of the iceberg. Analyze how a remote culture should be and take the lead in contributing to the implementation of this change. Instead of moping around and wishing for a more ideal situation, act on what is needed and do your role accordingly. 

  8. Add a gig. If you have strategized ways on how to perform your job with ease, then maybe it is about time to add another gig. Some people tend to be happier with a few more healthy stresses. Just a gentle nudge on this, do not put more things on your plate if you cannot consume them all.

There are a plethora of positive things a remote work can offer. If it helps to write it down so that you can recall each one, do so. But no matter where you are working from, always ensure that you mark your boundaries so that each task is never neglected and you do not lose your sanity when it gets more taxing than usual. Connect with your colleagues if there is something you want to air out. You always have someone who wants to listen, you just do not speak up. When you have fully realized all the great things you should be happy about working from home, only then will you be able to work with a smile on your face and your heart more fulfilled.

Free Resource! Click to learn the 5 Ways to Elevate Your Home Office Design!

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Bash Sarmiento is a writer and an educator from Manila. He writes laconic pieces in the education, lifestyle, and health realms. His academic background and extensive experience in teaching, textbook evaluation, business management, and traveling are translated into his works. Connect with him on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook.

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