Do I need to have a business to join?
Yes. You will need to have a registered for-profit business in order to secure Government Contracts. It's best when the business has been in operation for more than 1 calendar year.
Is this a course?
This is a done-WITH-you program. Meaning, you will get a few videos/tutorials but there is also a very robust LIVE component that is designed to give you as much support as you need during the process.
Can you guarantee that I get Government Contracts?
We cannot guarantee that you will be able to secure contracts because contracts are subject to availability and compatibility with your business products and services. But we do guarantee that you will receive all the information you need in order to begin submitting.
Can you guarantee that I get minority status?
We cannot guarantee that you will be able to secure minority status because that certification is subject to the information you provide during the registration process with your local MBE office. But we do guarantee that you will be made aware of the required documents and held accountable to submit for registration in accordance with your local MBE office policies.
What's your refund policy?
We offer a 48 hour cooling off period. Meaning, if for any reason you decide this program is not for you within the first 48 hours of registering, simply email us and we will refund your money no questions asked.