Why Is Patience The Top Component In Business

Why Is Patience The Top Component In Business

In anything in life you’re taught that, patience truly is a virtue. In fact, anything of value takes patience, whether it’s a matter of developing a skill, building a relationship, or launching a business initiative. We’re aware that In order to build a successful business, you have to hustle and be somewhat of a hard-charger. Impatience, unsurprisingly, is a common byproduct of the entrepreneurial mindset. We don’t have to fall into this category (permanently), the secret is in our thoughts. What we choose to think in response to a feeling can intensify or calm the feeling. What we think in response to a feeling will allow us to choose our response, or behavior, to that feeling. This mental process is crucial in developing the skill of patience which is indeed the TOP component your business will require.

What is the main reason to avoid being impatient?

Impatience is self-sabotage
When you jump to a hasty conclusion, you end up creating an unrealistic timeline in your mind. When you fail to align to that timeline, the mind can run wild and even discourage you from moving forward with your business.

Impatience makes you look desperate. Pushing a partner/team member/ or client too aggressively or issuing unreasonable ultimatums is extremely uncomfortable and not appropriate. In my experience, I’ve found that working with clients at times they can be the impatient person in the equation. They can become irritated, defensive and even say hurtful things to you or your staff. However, remember that a part of the above definition for patience is “the capacity to accept or tolerate” without giving a reaction or getting upset. Behavior as such can be tolerated because patience cultivates a sense empathy. Helps you view things from multiple perspectives.

On a more positive note, Good things do come in time.
One thing I’m sure of is that nothing of value comes easily or without effort. There is not a magical pill you take to get everything right the first time, especially not in business. You learn from trial and error. From experience, our Flourish Media Conference was not as successful the first year as it was this past February. Our team trusted the process and worked hard for YEARS to establish the large audience. We didn’t have huge sponsors our first year, but imagine if we would’ve given up on the vision? We wouldn’t have the opportunities we do now.

Although entrepreneurs like to simplify matters as much as possible, the truth is that the world is a complex place, there’s no “fast track” to long term success.

Avoid the fire & aim in your business.
You have to be strategic when it comes to making decisions in your business. When you fire and aim, occasionally the conclusion or decision is not as solid as you’d think. Sometimes, you will overlook critical details, implications, or opportunities. You can grow impatient and end up alienating your business partners and team trying to manage it all on your own out of impulsive. It is not necessary to slow down and fall short of time, you can set deadlines for decision making too! Write everything out on paper and discuss with your team to help execute. A business is not a one man (or in this case: woman) deal.

Start today in choosing to develop more patience in your business. If you or anyone you know need guidance to create a more successful structure in your business, send us a quick message! We will be glad to discuss the various services that we provide to help you and your business. We want you to keep growing, in the right direction.

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