How to Organize a Social Event During a Pandemic

How to Organize a Social Event During a Pandemic

Cultivating a sense of community has not been easy in 2020. Due to the pandemic, social distancing guidelines have interrupted our daily lives and disturbed some of our favorite social activities. Globally, we had to reinvent new ways to socialize that allow us to still remain safe. If you were planning to have a social gathering this year, you probably had to reimagine how the event would take place. Even though it has been a long year for all of us, it’s important to abide by these guidelines to avoid the spread of germs and harming those who are most vulnerable to them. Here are some tips all event planners should consider and implement, when planning their next event:


Modified Layouts

The CDC suggests keeping a 6-feet distance from others in any public space. When it comes to public gatherings it’s important to act in accordance with this rule. You can implement this rule by having a rearrangement of seating and putting visual cues or markings to maintain social distancing. Moving the event to an outside location can help create a safer environment for the attendees to socialize. You may even have to consider lowering the number of attendees at the event. As a substitute, you can provide a virtual way of attending the event by hosting a webinar.



Require the use of facemask for anyone attending the event. Facemasks create a barrier that weakens the chance of droplets transferring to the closest person. Many public spaces have enforced this rule, and will not allow anyone to enter the public area without one. Depending on the kind of event, facemasks may no longer be needed when the attendees are seated.


Hand Hygiene

It is important to maintain healthy hygiene for our hands in these public spaces. Try putting hand sanitizer in easy touchpoints for the attendees. Areas like the entrance and restrooms will give them easy access to re-sanitize their hands. Also, make sure to heavily clean the areas after use. You can sanitized the tables, chairs, handrails, and anywhere else where the transfer of germs is more common. Also, try hanging up signage that reinforces the importance of washing your hands.


Following these guidelines are key to creating a safe environment for everyone. We know that social distancing has been hard. We as humans crave social interaction from others, and we are currently limited to that. However, the only way to overcome this pandemic is if we all do our part by adhering to these guidelines. If you are ever feeling lonesome, there are still ways to safely connect with your loved ones, and we encourage that.

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