Tribe Feature | The Reset Room, LLC

Tribe Feature | The Reset Room, LLC

Jamison and Courtney Gavin founded LegendVest with the inspiration of two words: Legend + Invest. They know that in order to make a legacy for your business and yourself, you absolutely must invest. These two college sweethearts have created a podcast to connect with and encourage business owners by providing them with informational, relevant content that listeners can put into action today.

Jamison and Courtney Gavin have had enormous success in their business endeavors. Immediately after graduating from UCF, the husband and wife duo started a waste-removal company. Within five years, their company grew to over seven-figures in revenue. Shortly after, Jamison and Courtney sold their business to a Fortune 200  $10 billion-dollar company. After their massive business success, the couple decided to help other small businesses gain revenue, increase confidence, and win more customers by launching LegendVest.

Despite their knowledge of success, the couple has found that the most valuable information they can share with their clients is stories of hardships and failure. Courtney told us that her transparency with their audience has led to an outpour of feedback and genuine appreciation for their raw, authentic stories. Their honesty about failures has led their clients to see Jamison and Courtney as real, authentic business owners that can relate to the struggles a budding entrepreneur will face.

As initially stated, one of the main goals of LegendVest is investing in yourself. When we asked Courtney what the biggest investment she and her husband have made in their business, she told us that it was honest with herself. She acknowledged that starting a business takes an enormous risk and you must have the guts to be able to face the fear and uncertainty of failure in your business. She has invested in herself very early on and re-trained her brain to think differently when doubt kicks in. 


Aside from transparency and honesty with yourself, LegendVest encourages entrepreneurs to be honest with their business and their brand. Courtney told us that business owners must always consider the message they want to be sending out. Branding is all about the story being told. Always be clear about what that message is. A business owner will almost always think that the message they are conveying through their brand is clear, so it’s important to ask your audience for feedback and perspective. Always be authentic and never be something you’re not. Embrace yourself and your personality!

LegendVest encourages their audience to never give up. If you give in too early, you’ll miss the gold! If you love LegendVest’s outlook on creating and maintaining a successful business as we do, connect with them here or follow @legendvest on social media.

Tribe Feature | Emem Washington

Tribe Feature | Emem Washington

 Tribe Feature | The Reset Room, LLC

Tribe Feature | The Reset Room, LLC