Tribe Feature | Emem Washington

Tribe Feature | Emem Washington

Emem Washington, an accomplished author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker featured on TedX Talks, iHeart Radio, and our very own Flourish Media conference has devoted her life to making sure women know they can be successful- and teaching them how to do so! Emem has created a business called The MotiVison Shop that is designed to help women discover their gifts, set and achieve goals, and take consistent action so that they can make the impact they desire and live confidently in their purpose.

When building a brand, Emem encourages women to seek out a coach. She heavily encourages hiring a business coach, but also emphasizes the importance of a life coach. Life coaches help with self-mastery, which translates into more confidence in the business world. Emem knows that in order to be successful in the business world, one must also maintain balance in their personal life. She encourages women to make their lives easier by hiring others to help them- whether it be virtual assistants, social media managers, housekeepers, or even babysitters. Anything that will make you less overwhelmed in your day-to-day life will make help decrease the stress of your professional life.


Emem has achieved her success not through sticking her nose up at small opportunities, but rather embracing any and every opportunity presented to her. She decided early on in her career that she would speak on any stage, (as long as it aligned with her core values) no matter how small. Emem has spoken on plenty of podcasts hosted by entrepreneurs trying to jumpstart their businesses. These small beginnings have led her to a world of success in her motivational speaking, which brought her to be a TedX Talks speaker this summer.

Building a tribe and making long-lasting connections is huge for Emem. She offers an extensive list of freebie services you can find here, as well as services at various price points for those that want to go deeper and achieve their dreams faster. As an example of how Emem works with her clients, she has provided us with a Google Doc that helps entrepreneurs set goals for themselves and visualize the steps to get there.

Emem has created a Facebook group called Kingdom Visionaries for women looking for more fulfillment out of life. If you are looking to unleash your gift and experience more pleasure in your career than just a paycheck, this is an amazing opportunity to connect with people just like you and realize more about yourself. To learn more about this group, request to join Emem’s Facebook group here.

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Tribe Feature | Michelle VanTine Photography

Tribe Feature | The Reset Room, LLC

Tribe Feature | The Reset Room, LLC