6 Trends That Will Affect The Future of Advertising

6 Trends That Will Affect The Future of Advertising

Advertising trends come and go along with the ever-evolving demands in the marketplace and progress in technologies. These factors, along with global issues and economic uncertainties, are the forces that affect the future of advertising — though whether or not they deliver a positive outcome depends on how advertisers tackle these influencers.

The most recent and glaring example of this is how the pandemic affected advertising trends, specifically connected TV and e-commerce.

These digital advertising strategies were at a disadvantage during the early days of the pandemic, but soon came around as a growing number of people became more accustomed to the virtual world and spent more time online.

While TV ads dropped to their lowest percentage, streaming services saw a sudden boost in subscriptions. Meanwhile,  brands and platforms took advantage of marketing the idea of online shopping following the implementation of quarantine protocols.

After these trends, the question now is; what other changes should the advertising industry expect next?

Strengthening of Influencer-Brand Relationships

Long-term connections between brands and influencers are expected to increase as influencer marketing continues to evolve and drive revenue for companies. This sector of marketing and advertising is even expected to grow into a $16.4 billion industry by the end of 2022.

This projected growth, along with the solid trust that followers have for influencers, is the main reason why brands are expected to reinforce their deals with content creators.

Doing so can help them boost their visibility, establish credibility, and create a stronger and more authentic connection with their target audiences — all of these in hopes of driving more sales.

Shift in Research

The advertising research industry is set to see a shift in who will carry out studies. Thanks to the continuing rise of user-friendly technology, and the surge of research on COVID-19, market studies have become more widespread and accessible for different industry players.

That means research will no longer be limited to company researchers — it will soon be viable for roles such as marketers, product designers, and user experience specialists.

This trend could help advance various aspects of marketing and advertising; from connecting with audiences, determining growth opportunities, and staying on top of trends.

More Short-form Video Ads

The digital age made everything go by faster, resulting in consumers having little patience for just about anything — including video ads. The length of a video ad depends on the platform advertisers want to use.

A HubSpot analysis found that video advertisements on Instagram should be 30 seconds at most, those on Twitter have a limit of 45 seconds, and Facebook video ads should be no longer than one minute.

Digital entrepreneurs can take advantage of this trend since they likely have the resources, technical knowledge, and mechanisms in place to execute short yet impactful video ads to draw attention to their brands.

Using AI to Improve Ads

Artificial intelligence is shaping nearly every sector of the economy, including the advertising industry. Advertisers are currently using this technology to automatically determine their audiences, produce and test ad creatives, and optimize performance — all in real time.

The widespread use of AI will make a major impact in terms of improving data processes which, in turn, enhances the way advertisers uncover patterns and predict strategies that will perform best when applied to ad materials.

Demand for Authenticity

Internet users will not hesitate to scroll past, skip, or click the “x” button of a pop-up ad if they can, the same way they would ignore other forms of ads like TV commercials, posters, and even billboards.

This automatic response could be due to the ads being interruptive, slowing down the load time of a web page, causing privacy concerns, being irrelevant, lack of trust for the brand, or simply because they find such advertisements annoying.

These issues are the reason why consumers are calling for authentic messaging in ads. Advertising professionals are getting influencers to help them create content that focuses on the human side of brands and establishes a stronger and more personal connection with the consumers.

Rise of Interactive Content

One trend that seems to consistently grab consumers’ attention is interactive content. This type of content marketing strategy encourages user participation to fully convey its message, thereby promoting active engagement with the product or service.

While interactive content is not always digital, it becomes easier to release it in various formats when put online. This strategy is also more likely to gain traction on the internet since it can easily generate user interaction compared to other platforms.


Advertising trends and strategies move along with the progress in technology and society. This evolution is happening too quickly, and what may be a craze right now might become obsolete within a year. This is why advertisers and marketers must stay in the loop of the latest movements within the industry.

Doing so will help them and their clients secure their connection with existing consumers, make themselves visible to prospects, and establish their brands to maintain their competitiveness in their respective industries.

Written by Bash Sarmiento;bsarmiento.writes@gmail.com

Image via Unsplash

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