Blog Features | Seneca Williams

Blog Features | Seneca Williams

What does value mean to you? Would securing funds for your business catapult your vision? Are you prepared to accept outside investors or lenders? These are the type of questions many entruprenurs ask themselves as they apply for loans, pitch competitions, and grants. Often times, the answer lies in your ability to see the value in your brand.

Every entrepreneur wants to feel like their business has value. Not just monetary value, but the value of impact, influence and transformation. Seneca Williams, a therapist and entrepreneur, has dedicated her passions and knowledge by working one-on-one with other business owners to breakdown their business anxiety and to help them find vaule in life and in career. Mental wealth and wellness are valuable to the entire entrepreneur community. Entrepreneurs are usually reactive when it comes to mental health. Seneca connects with her community, The Conquer Network, to help entrepreneurs become proactive about their mental health and business journey. 

As a previous Small Business Grant Winner from the Flourish Media Conference, Seneca believes in the vaule she has to offer her community. 

“It was the jumpstart I needed after a really difficult year.” Seneca noted. 

“From the pandemic to my own personal health issues, I felt like giving up the idea of being an entrepreneur. I figured I should just focus on being a therapist, being a solo mom to my teen daughter and staying healthy. But I decided to attend FMC 2021 and give this business idea another shot.”

Now as her community has grown online and in person, Seneca is able to speak and share her wellness insight to other entrepreneurs by attending podcast interviews and panels. She also hosts monthly sister circles for women entrepreneurs to gather and discuss their emotions and get support about business. The value she provides is evident in her ability to find a solution to any obstacle that arises. She is a conquer of her own destiny. 

If you were to ask Seneca why she encourages other women business owners to apply for opportunities that add value to their business, like the Small Business Grant awarded at the Flourish Media Conference, she will tell you this is your opportunity to think like a CEO.

“The FMC Small Business Grant is a seed. My seed flourished into joining a one year Mastermind group led by co-founders, Dr. Tracy Timberlake and Vivian Olodun. I also worked with Flourish Media to develop a logo, online elements and sales pages.” noted Seneca.

“Flourish Media, is excellent at simplifying marketing and pitching, so even though it's a little scary, it does not feel as intimidating or overwhelming to apply for a grant or to pitch to investors.” 

As your business grows and you accomplish goal after goal, keep in mind that your value is also shifting to a higher level. Just like your entrepreneurial journey, there will be times of uncertainty and room for improvement. You will make mistakes but you will learn from them. You will test your abilities as a business owner but it is up to you to always find the value you are offering. When you combine your vision and value, you’re left with a roadmap; how you get there is up to you.

“I believe that when I elevate myself, I can empower other entrepreneurs to do the same. The best way to elevate, is to shoot my business shot, you never know when you'll score.” - Seneca Williams

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