Top 3 Ways To Utilize Instagram Stories for Business
Everyone’s fed up with the Instagram algorithm. This is because your posts aren’t being seen by most of your followers, therefore, they don’t receive the appropriate engagement due to lack of reach. I get it, it’s frustrating. You might have tried several gimmicks and tricks, yet nothing seems to substantially change.
Fortunately, Instagram has made the story feature very successful for users who are seeking to brand themselves and grow their business. Can you believe over 400 million people use Insta stories daily?! Ultimately, it’s up to the you to utilize the feature and get the most of it. Maybe you’re not familiar with stories? Or not sure what strategies work best? Do not fret, we’ve rounded up (3) ways you can use IG stories for a significant boost!
First off, IG stories can be used as an extension of what you post on your feed. You can elaborate more through video than a caption. IE: You are promoting a sale or event, you can jump on stories and talk more personally about it than on your feed. However, most users also use stories as exclusive content. They get to be more creative for their followers. Your audience wants to be able to relate and connect with you. Using the stories to share pieces of yourself or show the REAL side of Instagram always builds a sense of trust and authenticity.
Second way to utilize your stories is by adding the engagement features. Question stickers and polls are a great way to engage with your audience and make them feel included. This is a fantastic way to establish an engaging relationship with them.
Lastly, post things that are beneficial for your audience! Whether it’s a quick how-to, tutorial, special offer, freebies, etc. The key here is to make your ideal customer/client feel like they can go to your page and find substantial information. Make sure to also announce business announcements and show “behind the scenes” footage as well. Like I said before, your followers will appreciate the realness behind the “Instagram business page.”
There are so many ways to utilize your IG stories, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and show your audience WHO YOU ARE!
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