What Midterm Elected Officials Should Be Doing Online

What Midterm Elected Officials Should Be Doing Online

Most people don't realize that when Americans vote they're voting on more than the President. Election ballots are filled with several topics for constituents to cast their votes. Local voters make the decision about judges, commissioners, and even whether or not marijuana is legal in their state.

Democrats fail to understand that many constituents are not fully educated and aware of the local topics that are up for a vote. Constituents don't know useful factual details about each elected official. 


Despite millions of dollars being spent on political campaigns, many candidates fail to do these 5 simple things: 

Be Googleable!  

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t understand something or if I need to know more the first thing I do is Google it. Google is such a powerful tool available to elected officials to help educate their constituents. Despite this very obvious and easy opportunity for elected officials to connect with their constituents - Democrats on the local level fail to show up online. Google your local commissioners and note what you find from them. 

Use Social Media

Social media (unfortunately in some cases) is the number one way that voters learn and discuss topics that are up to vote. Social Media is free to elected officials. Elected officials should look at the demographic of those voters who are the most active in their area - download Social Media Guide with the latest social media statistics. Savvy candidates can connect with constituents who are most likely to vote for them. For example, young people are very active in TikTok and Instagram. Using those platforms are opportunities for elected officials to connect with younger audiences. 

Use Video

Video is the most powerful way to connect with the audience online. Not only is video the most preferred type of content on social media but it allows for the candidate to connect with voters by engaging with their senses. When we watch a video we are using our eyes and ears, this helps with memory. Video allows the viewer to further connect with an elected official by mimicking an in person connection. It’s been shown that name-recognition is very important for an election. Video lets candidates create a relationship with an audience from the comfort of their closest device. 

Share Your Stance

Voters want to know where a candidate stands on hot button issues. Make it easy for them. Use infographics or post your position on your social media page and or website. Too many Democrats allow for their online presence to be dominated by defending their stance instead of simply making their stance known. 

Have fun with this! 

Social Media is meant to be social first. The digital landscape is sitting in for our human interaction because of the global pandemic. Social media and your online presence are meant to be clear and easy to understand but it doesn't have to be serious. Candidates are often discussing a variety of serious issues that affect millions of people. However, online is the candidate’s space to show different parts of themselves, to share their humanity, and to show voters why they are the exact right representative for their local area. 


Democrats have a powerful opportunity to use these methods in order to make a better connection with their potential voters online. All of these things are available and should be thought about well ahead of Election Day. Building a solid online campaign can take months if not weeks before going live. If you or someone you know is going to be running for office, we highly recommend they connect with Flourish Media for a marketing strategy intensive so that they can share their intention and message online in the most effective ways come to the next election cycle! 

If you would like to continue to learn more you can connect with Flourish Media and the Flourish Tribe on this and many other issues in our private Facebook group - FMC: Where Woman Do Business.

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