Florida Democrats Failed to Use Digital Media in 2020

Florida Democrats Failed to Use Digital Media in 2020

American Politics is a circus. While many around the world get familiar with the electoral process in the United States, citizens living in the U.S. know that your local elected officials often have more impact on your day-to-day life than those in Washington, D.C. For that reason, the elections of your House Representatives, senators, mayors, and local commissioners are more important to your community and family. 

Despite this general understanding, voter turn-out for midterm elections are abysmal. 

Many voters skip this opportunity to have their voices heard and often do not participate. Candidates running for office are well aware that political campaigns are expensive. However, many struggle to spend in the right places, especially post COVID-19. 

Many candidates’ online presence is sub-par at best. 

Candidates (of the teams they hire) don’t seem to understand the major impact that they COULD be making on their local community if they would just get online. Flourish Media is a marketing firm with a long history of helping business owners and organizations to connect with their audiences more effectively online. 


In the new normal candidates have to be more engaged online and here are some ways they can do it: 

Show Your Face

Elected officials need to let people know who they are. The first step is to show up! Use free tools like social media. Activate your account. Start to establish a brand message for your potential voters to see. Clearly state where you stand on local issues. Share statistics and photos on topics that are important to your local community. 

Plan To Use Ads 

Digital advertising makes it much easier for elected officials to connect with their audiences. That being the case, they should plan to use digital advertising on social media and Google. Elected officials need to register their campaigns with these platforms BEFORE advertising. Campaign advertising is regulated and organizations most share disclaimers online about whos paying for their campaign messaging. Due to this administrative requirement, elected officials should start applying and registering for these opportunities now. The process to be approved to share political ads online could take 48 hours up to one month depending on the type of information that’s required. 

Remind Your Constituents 

Voters are often not as active during mid-term elections. Believe it or not, sometimes it’s because they have no idea when to vote. Voters don’t know when they're supposed to register. Voters are not always clear on the issues up for a vote. Use video marketing to show your face and regularly remind your constituents when and how to vote. This will help significantly as many voters don’t know that their mid-term elections voting location could change from the 4-year presidential election.

Elected officials can uplevel their online brand awareness. If you or someone you know could use help building out her or his campaign - know that online campaigns should be part of the plan. Campaign strategies are designed years if not months in advance before the public sees the content. Set up a meeting with Flourish Media for a one on one intensive to connect with your audience online. 

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