How to Create a Timeless Logo 

How to Create a Timeless Logo 


Like a statement piece from your wardrobe, a business logo makes a first impression on prospective customers and informs their overall perception of your brand. It is an emblem that will be part of your business for the long haul, which means it’s important to think of longevity when creating your brand logo. 

A study conducted by MIT found that effective brand logos can help companies develop stronger customer brand commitment and led to an increase in financial performance. Major brands such as Starbucks, Apple or Nike are well known for their bold, eye catching logos that have become national icons. 

The simple, sleek green and white design of the siren on the Starbucks logo is widely recognized for its intrinsic and minimalistic features.


The missing bite out of the fruit on Apple’s computer screens and phones has made it one of the most recognizable brands in the world.

The swoosh that appears on Nike shoes and apparel evokes speed and motion, qualities that have high appeal to athletes and fitness fans.  

It’s important to select a design professional who can understand your vision and brand identity. At Flourish Media, designing timeless logos are part of our branding process in which we deep dive to uncover a client’s brand values, personality and voice. 


Set your brand apart 

A timeless logo tells a story. What is the mission of your company and impact you want to make? Is there a theme that weaves your story together? Is your company connected to a geographic region? These are all things to consider when formulating your brand story and bringing visuals to life. Being intentional with design elements will also help set your brand apart from the competition. A timeless logo should also incorporate your brand colors, fonts and design elements. Investing in professional branding that goes beyond a single logo can help create clarity and high quality visuals for your brand. This will also create consistency in your brand’s identity on all platforms. 

Get inspired

The first step to creating a unique logo is to gather inspiration from various places. For example if you want your logo to reflect environmental stewardship spend time in nature or look at books or magazines about natural wonders. Create a mood board or Pinterest board to collect images, colors and photographs that represent how you want your logo to look and feel. You can also play with themes and elements by sketching out logos by hand. 

Communicate and ask for Feedback

A logo is not a process that should be rushed. It’s important to take time to get it right. Effective communication with your designer throughout the process is important for achieving a final logo that you are proud of. For a timeless look, consider what your logo will look like in several years or even decades so that your logo will not be outdated by current trends. Getting feedback from your staff and loyal customers is a great way to perfect your logo and hear honest interpretations. Nailing the perfect logo requires attention and focus but it is well worth it in the long run.. 

Do you know your brand personality? Download Flourish Media’s free branding guide and get started today.

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