How to build an email list

How to build an email list


E-mail marketing is one of our favorite ways to reach prospects as well create loyal customers. Unlike social media, your email list gives you direct access to your audience and is something that can’t be impacted by algorithms or changes to your accounts. If you’ve ever had a social media account hacked, then you know how important it is to be able to reach your audience. 

There are many benefits to e-mail marketing. Some of those benefits include:

  • The ability to personalize Calls to Action 

  • Low cost marketing tool 

  • Easy to measure conversions and impact 

  • The ability to nurture your audience

  • Easy to automate  

Many entrepreneurs find it challenging to take that first step and create an email campaign due to the lack of subscribers on their list. This is why the first step to successful email marketing is list building so that you can attract and reach you target market in one of the most valuable places: the inbox. 

Looking for ideas to create a list-building campaign? In this blog, we’ll show you how to get subscribers in no time. 

Create Valuable Content with CTAs

A great list-building strategy is to provide an e-mail opt-in to the traffic coming to your website. You can do this by including a sign-up form at the bottom of a blog post or a link with a social media post. To increase the amount of subscribers, we suggest sweetening the deal with a freebie such as a guide, white paper, tip sheet or checklist in addition to your free content. That way you will create a stronger incentive for your audience to provide their email addresses in exchange for the content. 

Add a pop-up banner to your homepage 

Did you know that the average person stays on a webpage for less than a minute? If they don’t convert right away, that’s a potential customer you could lose without getting their email! A pop-up or banner with a freebie or lead magnet will catch their attention and provide an incentive for joining your email list. Once you have their email address you can send a nurturing campaign to provide value and optimize conversions. 

Run targeted ads 

The great thing about digital ads through Facebook or Google Ad words that you can target those in your audience who would be be most likely to buy your products or services. That includes age, location, gender, job title and interests. Create an ad with a valuable lead magnet that helps your audience solve a problem they are facing. Your lead magnet could be a live training, challenge, mini course or webinar. If you’re going to put ad spend behind your freebie, we recommend creating an opportunity to engage with your audience. Your ad should clearly address the problem your audience needs help solving and why your lead magnet is the solution they’ve been looking for. The ad should direct them to a landing page where they can input their email address. 

Once you have built your list, you can segment your subscribers and create a funnel that turns them into excited buyers and loyal brand followers. It’s important to remember that an e-mail on its own is just the starting point. Be sure to create content that your audience craves and invest in writing compelling copy that moves your reader to action while telling a story. 

An effective marketing strategy requires a plan across all digital platforms. Increase your exposure online with our social media guide here.

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