Young Entrepreneurs: Avoid These Common Pitfalls for a Happier Life

Young Entrepreneurs: Avoid These Common Pitfalls for a Happier Life

As we navigate the day-to-day, it is easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle, and forget what truly matters. Especially if you run your own business. The fact is, it’s easy to get bogged down in the negative, and to avoid taking time for ourselves. However, in order to be the best version of you, as a small business owner (SBO) and as a person, you need to understand your negative behaviors and make a change.


Flourish Media is dedicated to helping businesses grow and thrive. Through workshops, consulting and training, we can ensure you and your team work smarter and not harder. To get started, though, it’s important to know how to make inroads on a personal and professional level.

Stop Avoiding Exercise

In order to live a better life, you have to start the day off right, and the best way to do this is with exercise. We’ve all heard that 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week will help you to stay fit, maintain your stamina, and give you plenty of energy to get through your day.

For entrepreneurs, exercise can do more than boost your energy. It’s a great stress reliever, and exercise can help improve memory, enhance creativity and even make you feel happy.

Wannabe SBOs: Stop Working a Job You Hate

If you wake up every morning dreading work, then you may have a bad job. A difficult supervisor, a lackluster list of responsibilities and a routine that feels stale can all make you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Plus, remaining at a job you hate grates on your mental health, making it harder to evolve and grow.

One of the best ways to make a change is to start your own business! And in the last two years, more people have launched businesses than ever before. If you have a great idea or can offer a stellar service, starting your own venture can be the key to success and happiness.

Stop Avoiding Sleep

With so much to manage, do and discuss, it’s easy to avoid sleep in order to stay up later to catch up on work. However, if you are not getting your seven to nine hours of sleep, your body is not getting the necessary rest time it requires to function optimally. You need sleep to recharge your batteries and heal your body after a day of activity. If you avoid sleep, you will wake up feeling restless, and if you make it a routine, anxiety issues can follow. Learn how to manage your sleep by reading Guide to Anxiety. Ready to soak up those Zzz's? Check out the Weighted Blanket Calculator to get started today!

Stop Eating Poorly

Self-care is essential if you are to live a long and successful life, and that includes eating right on a daily basis. If you live on a diet of snacks, fast food and trans fats, you are jeopardizing your health, and you could face serious consequences that include heart disease and obesity.

Instead of grabbing a burger at lunch, focus on eating nutrient-rich foods, such as lean protein, eggs, whole grains and a variety of vegetables. You can also meal prep on the weekend, or even use a meal delivery service so you always have plenty of healthy foods on hand. Be sure to also buy healthy snacks like packs of walnuts or almonds, or fruit like apples, bananas or cherries. With a health-focused kitchen and drinking plenty of water, you can keep yourself revved up throughout the day.

Stop Saying You Don’t Have Time

As an entrepreneur, you wear many hats, which likely makes it hard to get everything done. But it also makes it hard to learn new skills that can benefit your business. Over time, certain tasks or initiatives can fall by the wayside, leaving you to fall further and further behind. This is a recipe for disaster. To avoid this, consider working with a virtual assistant, and delegate administrative tasks to free up your time to focus on bigger things that can benefit your business. Perhaps it’s workshops in digital marketing, taking a deep dive into SEO or becoming fully versed in how to use social media as a marketing tool.


Stop Being Negative

If you are not thrilled about the direction in which your life is going, then you must look to the future and think about ways that you can evolve and grow. If you primarily focus on the negative and dwell on difficult situations, then you will likely be stuck there forever. Instead of considering what you don’t have, imagine what you want the most and work toward it. Eliminating negative thinking will also help you to keep friends closer.


Stop Watching Television

While there is a fair share of quality programming on television, it is possible for TV to become an unhealthy crutch for turning off your mind. There are many other pleasurable mediums besides television that can help you to expand your mind. From fiction and non-fiction books to picking up a gratifying hobby to learning something new like a language or to cook, find something that helps you put your mind to work and that brings you happiness.


There are many ways you can change your life for the better if you realize where to make the necessary adjustments. To grow as a person and as a business owner, it’s essential to implement healthy habits and to cast off anything that doesn’t service. It’s the only way you can truly thrive.

Written by Marjorie Jones;

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