Dispelling the Mom Myth as a Business Owner

Dispelling the Mom Myth as a Business Owner

There’s no doubt about it. Becoming a mother is one of the most fulfilling and hardest jobs out there. And while being an entrepreneur and simultaneously raising tiny humans takes it to a whole new level–it is more than possible to be successful at both. 

At Flourish Media we want to dispel the myth that motherhood has to take a backseat to your professional career or that you have to do both flawlessly. While we are living in an era that has given women many more opportunities and choices than ever before, there are still outdated beliefs about motherhood that are harmful. These beliefs create unrealistic expectations for women, especially the sentiment that they have to be doing everything perfectly all of the time. 

As a mother herself, Flourish Media CEO Vivian Olodun understands that balance will never be achieved if perfection is the goal. Instead it’s about learning how to shift priorities, be honest with yourself and others; and asking for support when you need it. 

If the pandemic has taught us anything it’s that the line between our professional and personal lives is blurry and it’s time we stop pretending like the two are separate. Insteading of apologizing for having your children visible on a Zoom call, don’t be afraid to show the authentic parts of yourself not only to your clients but also to your audience on social media.

In fact, some of our favorite mompreneurs are the ones who aren’t afraid to show what’s like behind the scenes of a six or seven figure business while juggling the responsibilities of parenthood.  One of those women is Sherronda Daye, a spiritual entrepreneur on the move. She is known for putting her heart and soul into her delicious creations at Defense Tea, a beverage company that makes holistic tasty bottled tea from excess plants from farmers in South Florida.

After watching farmers running into logistical problems selling their crops to market and experiencing high levels of waste as a result during the global pandemic, Sherronda jumped in with her lab and cooking experience to transform that waste into a thriving business. 

While presenting at the Flourish Media Conference Pitch Panel earlier this year Shorranda spoke openly about being let go from her six figure government job and being faced with the reality of being a mother with a new mortgage to pay and no income. 

Women are often told that to be successful they must be risk averse and Shorranda is determined to prove that message wrong. Not only was she able to not let an unexpected pregnancy in college deter her from her goals, but when she was laid off from her six figure job she used it as a springboard to launch her own successful business. 

Looking for support to build your empire no matter what’s going on in your life? If you or someone you know could benefit from a high frequency community of other successful women consider joining the wait list for the Made for Millions Mastermind.

Image credit: Pexels

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