Why Joining a Mastermind is the Secret to Success

Why Joining a Mastermind is the Secret to Success

Did you know you are the average of the five people you spend your time with? For better or worse, you will absorb the behaviors, thinking, and attitudes of those key people. At Behind the Leaf we often refer to our community as our tribe because we understand that entrepreneurship is challenging and often lonely. As a woman entrepreneur there are less people who can relate to the highs and lows. Who you call when you want to give up is just as important as who you call to celebrate your big wins. 

It’s questionable if Flourish Media would have become a multi-million dollar marketing firm as fast as it did if owners Vivian Olodun and Dr. Tracy Timberlake did not design a relentless support system and leaned on each other to achieve new levels of growth. This growth has translated into incredible results for clients as well as philanthropic projects like the blog you are now reading. The greatest joy of running Behind the Leaf is the ability to host the Flourish Media Conference where these ladies introduce funders and investors to other small business owners who look like them. 

We want to help you to build your tribe. We want you to step into a higher version of yourself who runs a profitable business, employs others, and advocates for the community improvements that mean the most to you. Some people will tell you that they are “self made” but you and I both know that is not true. Behind every successful person are the mentors, friends and allies who wouldn’t let them give up. In order to reach great heights, you need to plant seeds in the right environment to flourish in.

Joining a mastermind group with the right people is one of the most proven ways to accelerate your success. A mastermind is a small group of people with similar goals and unique skill sets. The fact is when you join a mastermind, you aren’t only investing in your success but you are also investing in the success of everyone in the group. And we all know that a rising tide lifts all boats. People have a 65 percent chance of achieving their goals when they commit to another person and 95 percent when they have accountability for making those goals happen, according to a study conducted by the American Society of Training Development. 

Joining a mastermind group offers critical feedback, diverse perspectives and a sounding board for working out new ideas. Sometimes we are too close to our own business and it impacts our ability to think critically. That’s why having an outside perspective is so vital to your success. In addition to the mutual support, having a successful entrepreneur facilitate the mastermind provides structure and a blueprint for replicating their success. The costs of masterminds can greatly vary, but it’s important to remember that the amount you invest will often pay for itself multiple times over if you show up and do the work. 

Are you ready to take a quantum leap? If you or someone you know could benefit from a high frequency community of other successful women consider joining the wait list for the Made for Millions Mastermind.

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