How to Manage Your Energy & Get More Done

How to Manage Your Energy & Get More Done

If it feels like there’s a million things competing for your time and attention each day, then there’s a good chance that you are not alone! Whether it’s keeping track of so many urgent messages or glancing at your iCal that induces overwhelm, these are signs that you may be on the verge of burnout. There are only 24 hours in a day and as the CEO of your business it's imperative you do everything in your power to protect your energy. 

Our blog series this month focuses on burn-out prevention and we are highlighting entrepreneurs in the community who are role models when it comes to balancing their business with a healthy dose of self care. Kenasha Paul is one of those women who are using their voice to empower others, especially Black entrepreneurs. As the founder of the Black Professional Network Kenasha hosts the Black Professionals Summit in South Florida each year. Black Professional Network is a membership organization that produces events year round, nurtures relationship building, and provides resources for professionals. Kenosha was named the director of Venture Miami which is a program that provides targeted access and support to female founders of color, a significantly underrepresented group in the innovation economy. 

Born as a natural leader, Kenasha is highly skilled in organizational and infrastructural development skills that place the customer at the center of everything. Kenasha knows that being a team player is critical to success but understands that boundaries must be in place when it comes to maintaining self care. When saying “yes” becomes customary but you consistently find yourself taking on more than you can handle, it might be a good opportunity to reevaluate your commitments and carve out more time for yourself.   

Because Kenasha’s strengths include identifying weaknesses in structures and implementing practical solutions that increase efficiency of any organization or business that she is a part of, she applies this same mentality to self care and structuring her business. Kenasha is a perfect example of the young professional woman who has it all!  As you are building your legacy, consider starting how you want to finish. 

Burnout amongst high-frequency entrepreneurs is very common and if you are a part of this tribe then you are probably a multi-inspired creator. There are many things that you want to accomplish in your professional and personal career but in order to flourish in life and business you must make time to prioritize your mental health, emotional stability and your team. 

Here are a few tips to avoid burnout: 

Block Your Time 

While being an entrepreneur often means that no two days are the same, time blocking can help you focus on a task and hold yourself accountable for getting it done. While it may make you feel like you are getting things done when you multitask, research shows that you are more productive when you aren’t splitting your time between two or more tasks. One method for staying on task is to try the Pomodoro Technique, which consists of setting a timer for 25 minutes and focusing on the task at hand without interruptions (that includes social media and your phone!). When the timer goes off, you can take a short break and continue the task or start a new one. Remember that by starting the day tackling your most difficult tasks or the ones that require the most critical thinking, you’re likely to have more energy throughout the day to do more. 

Give your brain a break 

Let’s be honest, our brains weren’t meant to take on so much stimuli. Give your permission to take periodic breaks that have nothing to do with screens. That can be a 20-minute walk around your neighborhood, meditating or a quick workout that gets the blood flowing. You’ll be able to come back to your work refreshed and energized. If you find yourself sitting for most the day, make a conscious effort to get up or work from a standing position periodically.

Turn the Tech off and sleep 

Did you know that research has shown a correlation between levels of melatonin and exposure to blue light from phones and electronic devices? When your body runs low on melatonin, you are more likely to experience insomnia and tiredness during the day. Even turning off your screen just 30 minutes before bedtime (and keeping it off) can have a positive effect on your sleep, which will result in getting more during the day! 

 Looking for more ways to slay? If you or someone you know could benefit from a tribe that supports you to flourish in life and career, join our private Facebook group!

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