Tribe Feature | Cait Donovan

Tribe Feature | Cait Donovan

Burn-out is a common feeling that happens to every high-achiever. It is the physical, emotional, and mental breakdown of your body when going through high stress levels and exhaustion. Many may mistake it as the “hustle”, but if you are not giving yourself the proper self care  during your hustle, burnout can slowly emerge from beneath the surface. It can be a barrier in your goals, and if not treated, it can potentially stop them from ever coming true. Cait Donvan, a coach and author with many years of experience, specializes in helping high achievers overcome burnout. 

Cait Donovan is a NYC based coach that helps high achievers overcome their burnout cycle for good. Donovan started her career getting a masters degree in Chinese Medicine. She was always attracted to living on the edge and learning new things that were outside the ordinary. After receiving her degree, she started her career as a successful fertility acupuncture where she grew in that profession for six years. During this time, she started to experience burnout. She states she was confused about this feeling because she was in a career that she knew and loved, but was still not feeling fulfilled or satisfied. Soon after, she met life coach extraordinaire, Ewa Blaszczak, where they began a life coaching business on fertility acupuncture and her business grew from there. Now Donovan does 1:1 coaching for folks who are needing support during their burnout period. She offers guided meditations, free educational resources, and even acupuncture if you are based in the NYC area. She has a book called the “The Bouncebackability Factor” which educates its readers on burnout, and provides a guide on how to gain resilience. Needless to say, if you’re tired about feeling tired, check out Cait Donovan’s services!

FRIED THE BURNOUT PODCAST LOGO (small)copy - Caitlin Donovan.png

Donovan shared with Flourish how she started her business and some tips on what she learned throughout her journey. When Donovan began her business she self-funded and crowd-sourced. She says that nothing is more important than support.“The group of women I did the group coaching program with, sticks together and helps each other. It's amazing.” She says her flourish story was when her crowdfunding campaign finished at 123%. “It meant that not only do I believe in my work, but people that I love believe in it, and people that I don't even know believe in it too! It felt like a massive thumbs up from the universe saying: KEEP GOING!”. She shares a tip for other fellow women entrepreneurs, to not over-give or over-yes, as this can be a straight road to burnout.

Donovan’s work provides great insight on how women entrepreneurs can avoid burnout and to keep resilience when achieving their goals. To learn more about Donovan’s services, check out her website.

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