Tribe Feature | Agnes Kowalski Inc.

Tribe Feature | Agnes Kowalski Inc.

Agnes Kowalski, a money mindset coach based in South Florida, first started her career as a therapist where she worked for 15+ years in the industry. Now as a Money Mindset Coach, she is helping those who have a mindset block around money saving and planning for their future. By examining one's conscious and unconscious design, along with their subconscious programming and conditioning around self-worth, Agnes helps her clients align their true selves in order to prosper authentically and earn money while doing it. 

Along with being a Grief Recovery Specialist, Agnes uses her talent for helping others by molding a program that is transparent and proactive. Money plays a vital role in everyone’s life. When sudden emotional experiences play a toll on our lives we adjust in a fashion that makes us happy at the moment. Sadly, this can lead to poor habits involving uncontrollable money spendings such as shopping sprees, gambling, or other forms of spending that leave one’s bank account dry.

“That’s why I became a Grief Recovery Specialist,” said Anges. “I have found that is one of the biggest blocks for women in making money. It’s an emotional business that can spiral out of control if not resolved.”.


When it comes to Agnes connecting with her clients, she is able to truly relate to them and their money spending problems. She knows what it takes to work hard and reap the benefits of having a proactive money mindset. 

“When I was a therapist I was too afraid to charge for my services and for years I was struggling, but then I started studying money mindset intensively,” noted Agnes. “The next month I had earned more than I made the previous year! That was a life-changing experience and showed me what is possible as a woman, as a service provider, and as an immigrant. I had broken the cycle of scarcity and that was something I would forever be proud of.”.

Devoting time to nurturing your emotions directly affects your money spending habits. This isn’t surprising for many, and it wasn’t a shock to Agnes when she committed her time and energy to improve her business. The outcome resulted directly in her earning more income and finding joy within her industry once again. If you are not prepared to work on leveling your happiness then your business will ultimately fail. Why devote your precious time and energy to something that doesn’t bring any positive results? Having a healthy relationship with yourself and your money spending habits can help one reconnect with their ultimate life goals.

“I have spent years learning from experts in order to neuter my career,” reported Agnes. “ I would say it all of it paid off! Looking back there were no mistakes, only lessons learned. If you decide there is no other option than improving yourself or your business, it has to pay off in the end.”.

This same mindset flows into her ability to connect with others. From her clients to her community, Agnes believes that authentically connecting with others paves a road that leads to manifesting a tribe of true supporters.


“Every single person counts. Every single like, every single person who reads a post or responds to an email counts.” Noted Agnes. “I have been able to support my family for years with the people who believed in me, my work, and my business. It's not how big your following is, it's how deeply connected they are.”.

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves! 

A money mindset is not only a tool that directly impacts your business and bank account but also plays a role in your overall happiness. Having people in your life that support you and your goals are just as important as having a positive relationship with money. 

In the end, both factors will generate a better overall life for those who devote themselves to actively improving their situation. Once one establishes a healthy relationship with money and the tribe around them, authentic happiness flourishes! Agnes is a great example of what it means to be proactive in manifesting a life one dreams about. 

To connect with Agnes Kowalski, check out her website HERE!

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