Title: Tribe Feature | Terrie Nathan | Strong Girl Enterprises

Title: Tribe Feature | Terrie Nathan | Strong Girl Enterprises

Terrie Nathan founded Strong Girl Enterprises as a way to encourage girls and women to think positively. No, not to just ignore the bad experiences and only focus on the good in life. That’s not realistic. Rather, Terrie encourages girls to acknowledge their hardships and seek out the lesson in each situation in order to learn from their hardships. She notes that we all have the ability to hold the power to choose/change our thoughts. We couldn’t agree more!

Primarily, Terrie Nathan is a motivational speaker, however she also has recently published multiple books and keeps an active blog encouraging girls to speak up and be strong. Terrie has spoken at middle and high schools, conferences for educators, conferences for women, summer camps, youth groups, and national organizations. Terrie has three signature talks: Stand Up! Strong Girls…, A Strong Girls Guide To Confidence, and Confidence, It’s An Inside Job. Her Strong Girl Spirit Confidence Journal is also a best seller on Amazon.

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The motivational journey that is Strong Girl Enterprises stemmed from Terrie being insecure and bullied as a child. She was fortunate enough to have her grandmother, whom she called Grandma Ruby, to guide her through her difficult childhood and encourage her by sharing stories about strong women and perseverance. Being somebody who knew just how hard it is to have low self esteem as a young girl, Terrie dedicated her life to making sure she could be the voice of encouragement for girls that needed it, just as her Grandma Ruby was for her. Terrie encourages every girl and woman to have self-acceptance- recognize your flaws yet still choose to love yourself.

In order to get where Terrie is today, she worked hard in her 9-5 as a HR Director for a Fortune 200 company and saved in order to kick-start her motivational speaking career. Today, Terrie now has 25+ years of experience empowering leaders to strategize change within their personal teams. 

Terrie provided us with a Possibility Thinking worksheet that we encourage all women and especially women with young daughters to check out. We love that Terrie is cultivating a generation of young girls that will grow into strong, powerful women like all the women in our tribe. To connect with Terrie, check out her Facebook or feel free to check out some of her empowering YouTube videos.

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