Tribe Feature | Put It In Perspective Coaching

Tribe Feature | Put It In Perspective Coaching

Put It In Perspective Coaching is a woman owned and operated new-age coaching group that uses the power of art and spirituality to help people through everything from the stresses of being a student to working through traumatic experiences. Founded by Felicia Reed, this coaching group has been empowering people for more than ten years and has helped thousands using their highly effective 7-step coaching process.

Regardless of who you are, Put It In Perspective is there to help you achieve ultimate self-satisfaction. The coach, Felicia Reed, believes in quality over quantity, so individual coaching sessions are always available in addition to weekend group workshops. If you aren’t quite comfortable with face-to-face meetings yet, Put It In Perspective offers virtual coaching sessions as well to provide you with the coaches undivided attention. Felicia Reed helps her clients with topics ranging from being a better student, opening a small business, dealing with loss of a loved one, becoming more organized, or even how to prepare for a job interview or a public speaking event. Her goal is to encourage a better, more positive outlook on the situation at hand.

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Felicia Reed is based out of the DC area and offers services to people in DC, Maryland and Virginia, as well as in virtual settings. She is a Certified Life, Spiritual and Christian Coach, an Energy Healer, and a holistic wellness advocate. Reed is passionate in her beliefs that in order to accomplish positive change, the mind, body and spirit must be healed. She has dived deep into the artistic world and got herself involved in art galleries and exhibitions to better understand how creativity can be used to heal individuals.

Prior to focusing on Put It In Perspective, Felicia Reed served time as a highly accomplished engineer and financial manager. She is a master of quality management and transfers that over to every aspect of her life, making her all the more suited to coach people to be the best versions of themselves. In addition to her outstanding professional career, Felicia Reed volunteers her time to give back to the community and is a community activist. She has worked with area youth to promote reading, provide tutoring and mentoring, and coordinated group educational activities in the community. In addition to being a community advocate, Felicia now invests much of her time into the fine arts world and takes opportunities to give Artist Talks.

Put It In Perspective offers a long list of coaching expertise. Their services include but are not limited to: life coaching, energy healing, spiritual coaching, life process engineering, Christian coaching,  mentoring and facilitation, wellness support with essential oils, and professional speaking. Interested in learning more about Felicia Reed’s holistic approach? Email or click here to get in contact with a staff member that can provide you with more information about Put It In Perspective’s services.

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