Tribe Feature | Beloved Bosslady Success Circle

Tribe Feature | Beloved Bosslady Success Circle

Behind The Leaf celebrates 5 years of the Flourish Media Conference in 2021. Secure your tickets now! Get to know our tribe one powerhouse woman at a time! Today we are featuring Beloved Bosslady Success Circle, a place where women can connect, gain clarity, confidence and courage. Join our Private Facebook page HERE to join in on the fun and stay updated on our Tribe!


Feeling stuck? Can’t seem to find the clarity you need to make your brand or your personal life to level up? Don’t worry, Patricia Ferreira has got you covered. As the founder of Beloved Bosslady Success Circle, Patricia calls herself a “Woman Success Catalyst,” something we can definitely get behind. She passionately guides women to break free from limitations, tap into their power, purpose, and potential so that they can create the business and life they deeply yearn for.

When designing Beloved Bosslady Success Circle’s brand, Patricia made sure that it stemmed from a true identity, her own values and authenticity. She wanted to set herself apart from the res by creating something authentic, rather than following a brand strategy rooted in trends or outside conditions. Beloved Bosslady Success Circle was created to be a judgement free place where women could support one another by passing on their experiences to other women looking for clarity.

So what makes Beloved Bosslady Success Circle different from any other female support group? It’s deeper than just a support group. This is a sisterhood where action-driven, high achieving women can turn to to feel connected, supported and inspired to tap into an even higher level of purpose and power. 

Each monthly Success Circle is broken down into five “success ingredients”. The first ingredient is Confessions of a Bosslady. This is an honest conversation where fempreneurs and career women alike will share honest portrayals of their strengths and struggles around self-worth, body image, single-mom realities, betrayal, and much more. These humbling conversations inspire the women in the group to lift themselves up regardless of their situation. The second ingredient to the success circle is Patricia’s Signature System. In this, Patricia encourages women to “shed their should’s and shine”, providing women with the tools, principles and practices to help them rise and step into their gifts, passions and purpose. Next is the Loveseat Laser coaching, where women have the opportunity to explore their blindspots and shift their mindset, heart-set, and soul-set. The fourth ingredient-and a crucial one at that- is the Masterminding Session. In this, women practice problem solving and gain new perspectives from women that have walked in their shoes. The last ingredient is Sisterhood. Sisterhood provides women with the support they need from one another and gives them the opportunity to forge bonds with other incredible women.


Patricia Ferriera stands out and shines in many ways. Patty’s 30+ years in a corporate environment and entrepreneurship gives her the tools to lead women to small business and corporate success. In addition to her real-world, boss lady attitude, Patty also takes a holistic approach, combining two important factors for success. She takes women from where they are at and elevates them through the use of mindset evolution and skill set development.

With all the inspiration Patty gives to the women she encounters, where does she find her inspiration? Through the women she works with. Patty shared with us that she recently went through a tough break up. She said that working with the women in her success circle was like medicine for her. Her ability to hold space with them and coach them to achieve their deepest desires fueled Patty’s purpose and healed her while contributing to somebody else. She is proud of her ability to give to others, while still allowing herself to be vulnerable.

Interested in learning more about yourself through the Beloved Bosslady Success Circle? Click here to schedule a free 1 on 1 appointment with Patty!

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