Tribe Feature | Married2TheMission

Tribe Feature | Married2TheMission

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Tribe is something at Flourish Media we hold so close to our hearts. Accepting those around you and taking them in as your own tribe is something Shadaria A. Allison, founder of Married2TheMission, holds dear to her heart. Married2TheMission is a movement of female advocates promoting the reconstruction of faith-based organizations by partnering with healthcare industry professionals and the adjustment of governmental infrastructure in order to serve real issues within the community.

Married2TheMission originated out of Shadaria’s vision for a brighter Birmingham community. Right off the bat, one of the first thing’s Shadaria told us is that money isn’t loyal, but purpose is. Her devotion to standing up for those in her community is awe-inspiring. Communal reform is the heart of her business, not how much she can profit off of those in need. Shadaria helps women to understand their why before they reach for their what. A clear mindset leads to positive, empowering change.

Shadaria Allison is an accomplished author, public speaker and community organizer. Her passion for change within Birmingham’s community led her to organize the launching of a campaign to revitalize an abandoned hospital in Birmingham to become a state-of-the-art rehab center and recreational facility for the impoverished, mentally ill and drug-addicted individuals in the community. Her success has landed Shadaria recognition throughout Alabama, as well as interviews with the Birmingham Times Newspaper and Fox News.


With her power to relate to all women, young teenage girls and elderly women, Shadaria has been nicknamed “The Woman Whisperer” as well as “Birmingham’s Daughter”. She is a leading activist within Alabama that spread word of sex trafficking throughout the state and led a protest of local females advocating to stop exploiting young girls, end sex trafficking and prevent the promiscuity of teen girls. Shadaria’s ambition is powerful and admirable.

Shadaria told us that her biggest investment in her brand was time. There’s no immediate yield with your time and you can’t get it back. However, Shadaria is thoughtful with her time and has used her energy towards an amazing cause.

Interested in learning more about the mission? Check out their Facebook page to learn more about the cause.

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