Working From Home | 5-Step Continuity Plan for Small Business

Working From Home | 5-Step Continuity Plan for Small Business

Did you know having two computer monitors in your home office increases your productivity?

Research supports using a standing desk can help with blood circulation and posture.

Statistics show that many office workers actually work "better" at home because in a traditional office environment 30% of their time NOT WORKING…some stats report more. 

Due to a global pandemic damn near all of us are working from home and sharing our space with family, friends, and roommates in conditions we never imagined. 

Smart business owners are looking for ways to create routines for themselves and their staff that supports stress management, maintains the connection, and serves clients and customers.

April 2020 my company, Flourish Media Co was hired to host a webinar for the South Florida tourism & hospitality community. Just over 100 business owners signed up and we are still hearing positive feedback about how helpful it was in creating a long-term plan for COVID-19. In my latest video, I wanted to share some of the key takeaways with you for your business.

In this video, I share 5 things you should consider transitioning your business from a storefront to a virtual home office. 

Vivian Olodun, Author & Marketing Strategist who shares tech tools, techniques, and educational resources to help you speak clearly to your audience using the platforms that mean the most to them.


1. Written Work at Home Policy 

2. Equipment

3. Internal Communication

4. External Communication

4. Family Plan


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