Tribe Feature | Higher Elevation Psychosocial Services, LLC

Tribe Feature | Higher Elevation Psychosocial Services, LLC

When it comes to mental health and the ability to help oneself, especially as a business owner, you must be able to nurture your mental health. Now it may seem easier said than done, but at the end of the day, it’s your responsibility to ensure you are living a life you enjoy. That may mean you have a luxury car, or that your family is living in a safe neighborhood or that you’re not living with ramped up anxiety each day due to unwarranted stress.

Unfortunate things happen in all of our lives, but it is how you handle it that makes all the difference. 

Something many business owners relay one from time to time is therapy. Having a therapist can allow for several positive things to arise. That is why Janika Joyner, founder of Higher Elevation Psychosocial Services, LLC, started her mission towards providing a therapeutic, nurturing, and supportive environment to promote growth and healing.

Higher Elevation Psychosocial Services specializes in helping individuals, families, and groups by providing therapy. Her team of highly skilled therapists takes it a step further by helping organizations learn to be trauma-informed when dealing with employees and clients. 


While we are living in a high stressed environment due to COVID-19 and other obstacles life throws our way, Janika reminds us that entrepreneurs are taking on other stresses often swept under the rug.

“Every businesswoman needs a mental-health day or a therapist,” says Janika. “Entrepreneurship can leave an individual feeling alone and isolated at times. A businesswoman needs to have an outlet and a safe space to gather herself and openly discuss stressors.”

Before the coronavirus affected all of our lives in some form or another, the Higher Elevation Psychosocial Services was thriving in their Virginia community. By offering skilled and trained therapists who specialize in treating anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health issues Janika’s team is able to continue to assist those who need guidance throughout these trying times. 

But when it comes to Janika’s personal success, she says her vision changed when she became part of a tribe of other businesswomen. Although her goal was to open a facility that encouraged better mental health for all, what she discovered was that her impact would have more lasting impressions than she anticipated. 

“When I finally found my tribe, I learned so many new skills and tips as an entrepreneur and businesswoman,” noted Janika. “Being around like-minded women helped me with learning to ask for help and narrow down my niche of potential clients and collaborations.” 

Because of Janika’s passion for entrepreneurship, she has taken the role of an author. She has published her therapeutic workbook, Getting Through: A therapeutic workbook to help get you through life on life’s terms. You can purchase the book on Amazon by following this link.

At the end of the day, Janika believes that everyone can benefit from nurturing their mental health. You do not have to live unhappily, there are ways that one can help their situation or simply help them feel better. 

“Going to therapy can be life-changing, rewarding, and fun,”  said Janika. 

Such encouraging words for our current time. If you or a loved one is suffering from stress, depression, or a similar mental illness, please consult with a local therapist. You do not have to go through this alone. Together, our Tribe can continue to flourish. 

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