Tribe Feature: Katie Ravé

Tribe Feature: Katie Ravé

We get it, with so many new technology platforms flooding our digital landscape it can get overwhelming. But there is nothing more satisfying than mastering digital technology so it benefits you and your business. When it comes to bridging the gap between innovation and technology Katie Ravé, a Business Strategy Coach who helps small business owners and entrepreneurs earn more clients and revenue all while having a business that they love, is a one of a kind trailblazer. 

Originating from North Carolina, Katie developed Ravé Strategy Studios. By linking digital tools and the passion to help other business owners, Ravé Strategy Studios guides driven entrepreneurs to build a serious six-figure business fast with speaking engagements. Katie’s clients use her proven methods to get booked on stages worldwide, and develop an endless stream of leads, clients and cash!

“My goal is for all of my clients to have prosperity, freedom and the life of their dreams.” noted Katie. 

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Katie herself has been an international speaker for several years. She has had the privilege of being a keynote speaker where she shares insightful knowledge to inspire small business owners to make money and achieve their goals. She has spoken to audience members throughout the world including Rome and Italy, to more local areas like New York where she spoke at the Business Summit in NYC, Unstoppable Women in Business, and Spotlight Mastertreat. 

The Tribe member behind Ravé Strategy Studios understands that when it comes to speaking engagements and first impressions, image is everything! Yes, your brand speaks volumes as to who you are, what you stand for and what your ultimate business goals are. It is not just pretty pictures and fancy emails that get you to the highest peak of your business journey, it’s the connections you make along the way that make the experience worthwhile. 

She encourages her clients to take any opportunity to speak to audiences eager to gain their useful information. This concept flows into building a brand accordinging to Katie. She understands that two very important questions need to be addressed before you devote all of your energy and time into such an unknown space.

“First off, why are you starting a brand?” asked Katie. “Do you have the fundamentals in place in order to successfully showcase yourself to the world? If so, are you prepared to take chances so that your business can flourish?”.

She is no stranger to utilizing digital technology in order to connect with as many business owners as she can. With her speaking gigs, trusted expertise and the passion to help other business owners gain their own success, Katie says she isn’t stopping anytime soon. By using different technology platforms, Ravé Strategy Studios has connected with over 100 businesses! She gives full credit to the technology she utilizes within her business. 

“I have a podcast, so I know how to produce which has been a lifesaver recently due to COVID-19.” noted Katie. “I also have a daily Facebook live session where I share useful information to business owners.”.

So how important is having a digital community for this trailblazer? Katie doesn’t shy away from the spotlight, in fact she welcomes it with arms wide open. But one way she is able to continue to work so effortlessly is her ability to utilize automations.

“I use automations regularly. Hootsuite, CMR and many more are my favorite platforms for keeping me organized and in the eye of my audience.” said Katie. “So when I welcome new members into my Tribe, I always have an automated email ready to go so that our relationship is constantly being nurtured.”

Want to stay connected with Katie? You can learn more about her workshops where she helps professionals master the ability to speak publicly. Learn more by checking out her website! P.S. Her first book will be published this October!

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