Most Profitable Marketing Careers in 2020

Most Profitable Marketing Careers in 2020

Marketing is an exciting and high paying career for creative professionals. Take a look at the people in the corner offices and often you’ll find the marketing department. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median income for marketing managers is $136, 850. This profession is projected to grow by 8% between 2018 to 2028. The irony is that while salaries suggest a lucrative career, students are turning away from this area of study as more blogs list marketing as a "useless" degree, alongside philosophy and psychology.

One may ask why?

As the price of education raises and the job market becomes saturated the perspective about what marketing is and isn't are changing. Some argue that marketing cannot be studied because it is a fluid field.

In the Forbes article by AJ Agrawal Are Marketing Degrees A Waste of Money? , AJ states marketing is not an academic subject. Unlike Mathematics for history because those areas are based on unmoving facts. In contrast, marketing requires out of the box thinking and the ability to accept what worked today, may not work tomorrow. Graduates looking for stability where A+B always = C are in for a rude awakening.

Marketing professionals are not judged by whether or not they followed the process, "a good marketer" knows how to give his or her clients what they want. Marketers have to deliver.

A prestigious degree cannot replace results. The best way to become a good marketer is to run campaigns, try new things with different techniques on varied platforms to see what works for your target audiences.

With a median income fo $136K there will always be savvy professional willing to pursue marketing as a career despite the challenges and high turnover.

What are the highest paying, high demand marketing careers? I’ve done my research and I was surprised by what I found. If you’re planning a career in marketing this list will give you some perspective on what to expect. 

With any list like this, remember that careers with specialized skills are always well paid. If you’re watching and thinking “I don’t know how to do that...” I’d like to remind you that your sentence is missing the word “...yet.” You’re a genius because you’re doing the research and you’re willing to learn.

Vivian Olodun, Author & Marketing Strategist who shares tech tools, techniques, and educational resources to help you speak clearly to your audience using the platforms that mean the most to them.

Mentioned (in no particular order):

10. Content Creator

9. Data Scientist

8. Business Development Manager

7. Strategy Manager

5. Devops Engineer

5. Creative

4. SEO

3. Watch the video to see the BONUS!!


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