Tribe Feature | Chamera Bowman

Tribe Feature | Chamera Bowman

You know how it’re working your butt off trying to make it as an entrepreneur but then you get hit with an obstacle, and then another obstacle followed by another. It can get old real quick! But for our Tribe member, Chamera Bowman, she took that defeat and turned it into dedication. 

Before Chamera Bowman was a transformation coach, health and life strategist, best selling author, mentor, and founder of HHH Life and Commit To Your Passion Organization she found herself going down a path of desperation. Like many often find themselves, she was lost and didn’t have much support from her family or friends. It wasn’t until she took a good look at herself and her goals before she knew she had a gift she needed to share with the world.

Her ability to transform other’s perspectives by applying techniques that work, is not only what got her out of her personal slump but has been the forefront for her work with other entrepreneurs searching for a goal setting master to take them to the next level. 

My life had fallen into shambles.” noted Chamera. “I was not only broken but I was impaired. A woman who had been betrayed by her peers, hurt by close ones, and abandoned in spirit. A daughter that loved others more than she loved herself, and a woman who had lost her dignity, her courage and her smile.”.

Chamera is a believer that true prosperity starts with the good we give out to the world through our gifts. Nothing can compare to your genuine actions towards others around you. This comes in many different forms. From our jobs to what we do in our downtime, Chamera teaches her clients that you can achieve your goals with a little inspiration and a lot of action.

For Chamera, it was when she published her first book Commit To Your Passion that she knew she was headed down the right path towards success. Becoming a Best Selling Author isn’t easy but like she teaches her clients, when you set achievable goals they will become a reality! This same mindset also flows into her vision of a Tribe and the importance it holds.


“Tribe is very important!” said Chamera. “I believe it is very necessary to have the right individuals aligned with you to hold you accountable towards your overall vision.”. 

We here at Flourish Media couldn’t agree more! Having people around you that keep you accountable is imperative when it comes to your goals let alone entrepreneurship. By applying routine check-ins, group conversations, and team building activities one is able to accomplish their goals in a timely yet professional manner that will have lasting effects. Chamera teaches a similar idea when she devotes her gift to coaching others. 

It’s true, one must invest in themselves if they want the best outcome in the end. Why? Because at the end of the day if you do not put yourself and your goals first, you will find yourself dead last when it comes to your success and personal happiness. Chamera uses her coaching abilities to help teach others that they are in control of their own destiny. Entrupuernship is no easy feat, but having the right mindset and team around you makes each obstacle a smoother experience for all.  

“The day I realized I was not my failures, was the day I realized I had more in life to offer. “ - Chamera Bowman

So next time when you think of that next stellar business move or you get approached by someone who is interested in partnering with you, remember Chamera Bowman and what it took for her to make the life she envisioned years ago. Take each opportunity as it comes to you. Be present in your life. Make mistakes but learn from them. We are always constantly learning, allow the process to happen and keep yourself accountable and you too can create the life you have always pictured for yourself. 


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