Should You Outsource Tasks For Your Small Business?

Should You Outsource Tasks For Your Small Business?

Your small business is your baby. You reared it from infancy and believe that no one can take care of it and ensure its growth as well as you can. But of course, just like any baby, it will inevitably wear you out and spread you too thin, especially when you’re doing everything on your own. But as Harvard Business Review explains, that attitude can put you at risk for burnout. This is where delegation comes in. Behind the Leaf presents a few tips and resources to help you determine when you should outsource work.

Whittle It Down

How do you know which tasks to outsource and which ones to do yourself? It’s been said that, at the most basic level, small business owners should devote time and energy to core, revenue-generating tasks and consider hiring other people like freelancers to do the rest; thereby, increasing efficiency and even controlling costs in the long run. Suffice it to say, it’s best to play to your strengths and leave everything else to the experts. Here’s a top-level breakdown to help you along:


To outsource…

Unless you’re superhuman, there’s no question that you’ll ultimately buckle under the weight of the many tasks required to run a small business. For this reason, it’s truly a godsend that outsourcing has become so much easier these days. If there’s money in the budget, working with a recruitment firm can be a great way to outsource important tasks. The benefits of working with professionals mean they’re dedicated to delivering what you need, whether it’s web design, social media marketing, or database development. Depending on your level of growth, this could even be an agency you work with long-term.

Another option is freelancers. With today’s constant connectivity, many people work remotely, which means there’s no lack of freelancers offering their expertise on a multitude of tasks —many of them tech in nature — for a fee. These outsourceable tech tasks run the gamut from graphic to web design, e-commerce to app development, cybersecurity to customer support —the list could go on and on. One of the best parts about working with freelancers is they’re really easy to find, thanks to remote hiring websites. All it takes is a quick search for candidates, or you can post the job and let qualified freelancers come to you.

Oftentimes, the best and most affordable freelancers are abroad. For instance, Clarion Technologies point out India is home to a number of highly qualified agencies you can hire for everything from app development to hospitality. Keep in mind that when you hire from overseas, you’ll need to think through reliable payment services. Happily, there are services that can help you with this, too. You’ll want to compare fees and transfer speeds to ensure you get the best solution for your candidates expecting payment. Do some exploring ahead of time since these considerations will factor into your budget.

Or not to outsource…

On the other side of the coin, there are also certain tasks that will greatly benefit your small business if you do them yourself. After all, nobody knows your business better than you, and there will ultimately be aspects that require your expertise and own brand of TLC. For example, product development is best handled by you, especially when you’re still starting out. Ditto with minor marketing tasks when you’re still finding your voice and footing in your niche.

If your small business is all about a service that only you can perform, then there’s that, too. While it seems that these tasks add up, you don’t have to burn the midnight oil. The key is automation. There are so many software options, apps, and tools available today that let you automate a plethora of business tasks, so having a few in your arsenal will not only save you time and money but also increase your efficiency and productivity — which, by extension, foster the overall growth of your small business.

Indeed, your small business needs to be sufficiently nurtured for it to grow. Having expert agencies or freelancers and the best tools on hand will help you achieve exactly that. To outsource or not to outsource is no longer just a question — it’s a necessity that you and your small business will benefit from in spades.

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