Business as Usual, But Better: Prioritizing Tasks, Taxes, and Expenses

Small business ownership is like walking on a tightrope: It requires balance, attention to detail, and dedication to keep going. The myriad responsibilities are daunting at times, particularly when so many tasks demand your attention at once. Business owners must be smart about prioritizing tasks and expenses and stay on top of tax responsibilities. Developing daily, weekly, and monthly task routines for your business will keep things flowing smoothly. Not all financial issues require equal attention, so prioritizing your tasks is important as you develop your system.

How to create a mood board for your brand

A mood board creates a visual representation for your brand. This includes visual elements such as fonts, colors and patterns that identify your brand. These elements should invoke the emotions you want your audience to feel and is one of the most important steps in the branding process.

How to find money for your business

There’s no denying that to make money you have to have money. Growing and starting a business requires an investment of resources, time and most importantly money. In this blog we’ll share how to fund your business so you can do more of what you love.

How to build an email list

E-mail marketing is one of our favorite ways to reach prospects as well as loyal customers. Unlike social media, your email list give you direct access to your audience and is something that can’t be impacted by algorithms or changes to your accounts.

How to turn your hobby into a profitable business

We’re often asked how to make the leap from hobby to business. While it may seem intimidating, this blog will show you that monetizing your hobby is actually a lot easier than you might think. Today there are more opportunities to turn your passion into a stream of income than ever before.

Finding Happiness in Remote Work

COVID-19 disrupted the way we interact, work, and live our daily routines. Because of the global outbreak, many were encouraged to follow social distancing as a promulgated effort to reduce contact with other people and therefore contain the virus. Because of this reason, many companies saw a silver lining from remote work and forced all operations to make the great shift to telecommuting.

Tips for Managing Cash During the Slow Season

Creating positive cash flow is important for growing, investing and having peace of mind about your business. When business is steady and profits are increasing, many entrepreneurs expect those results to continue. But slow periods are normal and that’s typically when cash flow can decrease, often without warning. Are you prepared for a downturn in business?

How to Create a Timeless Logo 

Like a statement piece from your wardrobe, a business logo makes a first impression on prospective customers and informs their overall perception of your brand. It is an emblem that will be part of your business for the long haul, which means it’s important to think of longevity when creating your brand logo.

Want to code your own website? Here's a step-by-step guide

When it comes to building your personal website, learning how to use tools such as HTML and CSS allow for unlimited customization and if you’ve ever considered a career in coding, this knowledge will give you a head start. The skill of building your own website is versatile and can be applied to other digital endeavors in the future.

How to Create a Productive Remote Work Lifestyle

Considering these factors, it is easy to predict that employee performance can directly be affected. However, with a few creative ways to boost self productivity and keep the passion for work burning, you will never notice the difference between working from home and in the physical office. Here are a few ways:

Should You Outsource Tasks For Your Small Business?

Your small business is your baby. You reared it from infancy and believe that no one can take care of it and ensure its growth as well as you can. But of course, just like any baby, it will inevitably wear you out and spread you too thin, especially when you’re doing everything on your own.

Importance of Brand Color

From Coca-Cola’s bright red bottle, Tiffany’s simple blue box, or even Apple’s classic white.

These colors were not picked by accident. They were carefully crafted to invoke the desired response. Brand color is the first thing you see and first impressions are everything.

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